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Monthly QiGlow : Revitalize and Rejuvenate with Qigong

Monthly QiGlow : Revitalize and Rejuvenate with Qigong

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Monthly Access:

Embark on a journey to enhance your health & well-being by joining our weekly "QiGlow: Revitalize and Rejuvenate with Qigong" class, every Tuesday at 1:00 PM ET, or watch the replay at your convenience..

  • Weekly Sessions: Every Tuesday at 1:00 PM ET, immerse yourself in a transformative one-hour journey combining Qigong, Meditation, and Sound Healing, all through Zoom.
  • Interactive Q&A: Stay an extra 15 minutes after each session for a dedicated Q&A time. It’s your chance to ask questions, gain deeper insights, and further enrich your practice.

Qigong, an ancient self-healing practice, masterfully combines movement, breath, and mindfulness to elevate health, diminish stress, and boost vitality. This holistic approach is rooted in the principles of Qi, your life force, and Gong, the skill of cultivating this energy.

Your opportunity to cultivate harmony, deepen self-awareness, strengthen your body in a fusion of Qigong, Sound Healing, and Meditation for a Holistic Approach to Health and Longevity.

Each session is designed to:

- Boost Energy Levels: Engage in Qigong exercises that increase your energy, helping you feel more alive and active throughout your day.

- Reduce Stress: Learn techniques to calm your mind and reduce stress, promoting peace, relaxation, clarity, and confidence.

- Enhance Flexibility and Strength: Improve physical strength and flexibility, contributing to a more youthful and agile body.

- Promote Healing: Stimulate your body's natural healing abilities, aiding recovery from physical ailments and boosting overall health.

- Develop intuition: Enhance your intuitive abilities for clearer and more effective decision-making.

Each session uniquely blends Medical Qigong, Wisdom Qigong, and Wuji Qigong, enriched with the transformative power of sacred sounds and instruments. 

Experience the synergistic effects of ancient Qigong techniques combined with vibrational healing to promote balance, vitality, rejuvenation, and a profound sense of wellness.

Each class is accessible from the comfort of your home, making it easy to commit to your health and vitality.

Embrace the path to a more youthful you with "QiGlow".

Copyright ©FabienneLouis {2024} All Rights Reserved.

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